This week
We meet Zaj Tafai former student of the Lykost Arcanum Pnyx Lycaeum; our Seeker.
Rad Ehzt Aethercliffe's Prodigal son returned home; our Fox. And,
Joza Dajmar Aethercliffe's Sandscarred Sheriff if only in spirit; our Heavy.
I have been messing around with different ideas about how I might go about doing this as I am a lover of Stonetop. More specifically what
has done with Vahid in . If you have loved those tales as much as I, I hope this will be a welcome addition to your bag of reads.Before we jump into the session zero let's set some ground rules.
• MYTHIC GME isn't going anywhere.
• I'll be utilizing Fast Fantasy a streamlined hack of Dungeon World by Rules Artificer. I do love Stonetop but find I love more lightweight games.
• I'll also be using some parts of the Freebooters on the Frontier as my setting is less Homefront/Steading centric.
• I'll also be utilizing Legacy Life Among the Ruins and its Family rule system. As I rather enjoy those family, clan dynamics.
• Homebrew World, Game etc. So this is my Stonetop [Aethercliffe], my Lygos [Lykost], reflavoured and recontextualized for My setting.
We'll follow the same methods of introduction we would at the table, with some obvious tweaks and inspirations from those that have come before.
1.Introduce yourself by name, pronouns, background, origin, and appearance.
2.Describe your special possessions.
3.Tell us about your…
•Describe Your Major and Minor Arcana
•Your Tall Tales
•History of violence
4.Answer These Questions…
•Whom do you trust more than yourself?
•Who taught you the Secret Ways?
•Whom do you owe a debt that can't be repaid?
•Whose respect do you crave?
•Whose Forgivness do you strive to earn?
•Who most needs/deserves your Protection?
5.Answer These questions…
-Which of You Fears my path?
-Which of You do is keeping Secrets from me?
-Which of You Brings your problems to me?
-Which of You Has Sheltered me from Retribution?
-Which of You Has dragged me home bleeding & unconscious?
-Which of You Has Stayed my Hand?
Introduce Yourselves
Zaj is a former student of the Arcanum Pnyx where they honed and began mastering their craft. Zaj isn't quite sure when they first felt the Power of the old world, of the Makers, course through their veins, as familiar as it was. It was beyond the Lycaeum's archives and studies. Zaj is a Fresh faced, willowy, bony limbed figure, cutting a rather striking visage in their leathers and silks. A stark contrast from the haunted hollow voice that creaks from their lungs.
Rad born of Aethercliffe and itching to be on the road again. Rad left long ago and is already looking for his next set of adventures that'll keep him gone. He has gained a bit of weight in his time abroad, but his sizes belies his quick feet and even quicker mouth. Not a dandy by any stretch Rad does have a rough charm about him that's endearing.
Joza, born to Roik of the Cnoyn Folk and Hyweya of Aethercliffe, Joza has always been touched. Whether by virtue of heritage or circumstance is unknown to all. But one thing is for sure when no one else is going to stand in the gap Joza will. She is a giant framed woman, soft spoken with a resonant warm reassuring voice, a welcome distraction from her many scars. Joza is also missing her ring and pinky finger(s) on her right hand.
Your Possessions
Zaj has two large Calico Bat Mastiffs they raised from birth. Finding them stranded after a near month long sandstorm, Zaj nursed them back to health and has had them eversince. Tzeri and Yonta are over protective, and fierce to behold but other wise nothing but giant softies.
Amongst the many books and scrolls they have copied from the Arcanum pnyx. Zaj has a number of different odds and ends. Crystals, gems, and talismans from far and wide. Tools and paraphernalia to further their studies.
Keeps with him a repurposed tool with him at all times, it helps when people start to ask questions. But no matter where he is, he can pretty much get in anywhere he needs with his Bag of Tricks(Thieves Tools).
Rad would be the first to tell you. Who You Know can make or break a job, and he always has the Right Contacts to get rid of things or procure things in a pinch.
She had to learn how to patch herself up after continually wading into conflict after conflict. As such Joza has gotten rather adept at basic and Minor Chirugeon work. A skill she's come to take pride in.
Beside her tools of healing are her Weapons of War. Weapons passed down by her father. A long thick bladed Cnoyn Folk Spear and a crude looking Battle Axe.
Major & Minor Arcana
Zaj has hold of a Soul Library. The Soul Library is embodied by a pair of intricately carved bookends, made of dark, polished stone and adorned with runes that faintly glow with an otherworldly light. These bookends serve as the anchor points to an ethereal library existing between the realms of the living and the dead. An old world form of Necromancy, that Zaj is just barely beginning to understand.
A stolen treasure, Zaj took it with them shortly after Elda had stood before the Pnyx Council to declare Zaj a heretic. One undeserving of the knowledge of the Arcanum and its esteemed Ilk. The entire Lycaeum would kill to have their names attached to an Artifact of the old world. It's why Zaj guarded it so carefully, they knew the Lycaeum would come looking eventually.
Zaj has two minor Arcana the first of which has granted them the title of Speaker. A long, thick flute carved of burnt ash wood, with a thin but visible crack along the underside. It easily catches the wind and makes a delighful sound. One the very wind delights in, when playing Zaj can command The Andalau of the wind. A feat for such mischievous spirits.
The second is another flute made of a polished alabaster bone. It could be from a beast but it looks far too humanoid to Zaj’s trained eye. They were able to decipher the weird runes carved into it and realize it, like the wooden flute, is a spirit caller. Yet none heeds their call, so Zaj practices the song on their other flute for fear of upsetting the unknown Spirit.
And Lastly Zaj has kept record of one rumored Artifact, in the Fogs and Mist of the North Western regions. Hidden in the hills and gravel, amongst the catacombs and graves is a Priceless lamp that still burns brightly like an eerie beacon in the mist. Zaj is sure it's some tribal trap or other, but could never resist Knowledge of the old world.
Tall Tales
All of Aethercliffe knows the time Ral stole old Man Dylis’ cookbook, Rad says he came face to face with a Djinn!
“Yeah and I've got more than me word, too! See here!”
Thrusting an oddly shaped piece of hewn Rainbow marble, forward for inspection. The edges precise and deliberate, almost like it fit into something.
“Exactly, me thinks it's a Key.”
History of Violence
Nearly everyone talks about Joza and the time she dragged herself and Moda back from the brink of death or the time she braved the fiery storm and came back Sandscarred, fiery cracks streaking across her skin. For her might, and welcome protection none dare speak on the dark pleasure in her eyes during the height of combat or the fate of Ihoram, bully though he was.
But,taking a life doesn’t keep Joza up at night, no, the hungry things, the whispers, she has heard them ever since that fateful storm. The feeling something or someone is coming for her, that keeps Joza up. Death is simply part of what is.
For the sake of Brevity here steps 4 and 5 I'll truncate some. One set of questions is about NPC's and the other set of Questions is about bonds between Party Members. We can simply list our NPC's and jump down to Our Party connections. Since we are only listing our Npc connections we'll make sure to add som tags that give us some ideas about these characters. Part two where we dive into our Steading we'll explore these NPCs further.
Nia; people-wise, observant, trustworthy, conscious.
Master Ziana; magic-wise, tireless, Mentor.
Jown; selfless,brave, Eternal debt.
Kord; proud,stuborn, Just want you to respect me.
Aref; proud,patient, Forgive me.
Noren; frail,honest, Helicopter Parenting.
These next set of questions I personally believe is what makes Stonetop such a brilliant system. It requires that each player ask something of the table, and anyone can answer. We can envision these questions like our party sitting around camp late into the night, when the spirits are quiet and the world is at rest. When the dark things, and lies begin to fester and surface, heart to hearts are had and bonds deepened.
“Which of You Fears my path?”
Joza responds: I know war, I know pain, brutality and the hard choices of blood shed. But you entreat with spirits, and demons, the unknown things. I hear their whispers, I see their gruesome visions. Yet you still tread this path, you and those you learned from in your high peaks in the South. You think you know better… such Hubris.
“Which of You is keeping Secrets from me?”
Rad pipes up; Aye, you know much about the world of spirits, demons, and the profane. I could never tell you about the key, or about Joza's Dreams. The glint in your eye is the same one I get when I hear about an ‘honest score’.
“Which of You Brings your problems to me?”
Joza drops her head and responds: There has been more than one night of restless sleep and night terrors that has brought me to your side on watch. You are wiser than you look, and far kinder than I could ever be. What you lack in strength and spine you make up for in laughter, and Cunning.
“Which of You Has Sheltered me from Retribution?”
Zaj smiles in response; too many times to count. Old man Dylis wanted you sent before Judge Abben. He wanted you to work hard labor in Dylis fields for the entire year. I was able to persuade Him that preparation for the Rain ritual, and going to gather Old Rain Poppy, down Well-canyon was far worse. Of course I think Judge Abben knew about the passage to the bottom long before we did.
“Which of You Has dragged me home bleeding & unconscious?”
With a sigh Rad responds: I have no idea how you survived that damned thing. That Frythanc, dropped you from so high. The sound Jo, the sound was deafening, there's still a small crater out in the Northern Flats. But when you stood… I'm sure the beast was as shocked as I, as you buried your Axe deep into its wing. Nearly taking it off in one fell swoop. I couldn't leave you lying there after you fought that damn thing off. What else was I supposed to do?
“Which of You Has Stayed my Hand?”
Zaj nods quietly: I often follow your lead when it comes to doling out retribution. But, Mercy goes a long way, Kazim and his Torches now owe a debt to the Reeve of Aethercliffe. I think it better to have a rival under thumb, than at your throat.
Since I am using Fast Fantasy the core moves of our characters aren't your typical in a Stonetop game. Also I mixed and matched backgrounds from different Playbooks, because we'll it fits the Sands of Wyze and the kind of world I want to play in. See if you can tell what came from which Playbooks. I will be utilizing them core Stonetop Playbooks more as Archetypes from Fast Fantasy, these along with the mixed and matched backgrounds should offer a rather different approach that is still enjoyable.
Sheet Highlights

For Zaj, Rad, and Joza Respectively. Rad seems like he will come into conflict most with the others but only time will tell. He wants an easy life, partially why he's traveled so far and wide, he tends to run from duty. But,something is changing, maybe an easy life means a bit of sweat.
Zaj has always been captivated by the spirits and magic of the old world. That curiosity is the very thing that makes them Aethercliffe's Speaker, there is reverence in that need to know.
Joza has kept from the taking of life, it is a grim savagery she isn't afraid of but has done so only under strict or dire circumstances. It is the reason the people of Aethercliffe give her such due deference, but the whispers, the night terrors. They have been biting at that Resolve and Code.

So there are quite a few Arcana our PCs will start with here. I enjoy magic and how people with little understanding of it learn to master it and themselves.
Rad has an old world Key hewn from Rainbow Marble that is slowly unlocking his own perceptions. Only time will tell if he can unlock its mysteries.
For the purposes of our setting Joza has been scarred by the sands, Sandscarred, this will Mechanically function roughly the same as being storm-marked and having storm markings with some reflavouring and context for the Sands and heat of the Aamsk setting.

We have our bg Moves and some things we get from Traditional Stonetop.

Our know a guy move that allows us to have the right contacts when we really need it narratively. Then we have Joza and her respect that garners her the ability to command the Folk of Aethercliffe. And finally the mysterious power that Zaj seeks to learn more about. That thread of the Old world in her veins, depicted with the Vessel Background. We can define the breadth of which during play.
Lastly, are the twin Calico Bat Mastiffs. I'll be using the mastiff statblock with tweaks when the time comes and it is appropriate to do so.
The biggest and most drastic changes are to our core moves. I'll go over our catchall move here. Then we can look at each of their core moves Respectively.
Taking the Risk
Take the Risk is the most common move our characters will make. Normally we would discuss with the GM about what we’re trying to do and what could go wrong, even if we succeed. These could be complications, downsides, additional cost, or maybe we can’t get it all in one go. As this is a solo game I'll be using Mythic for a lot of this GM discussion part of things.
Even though this is a catchall move it still allows us to specialize some. When we take 3 dice instead of 2 that is considered our Specialty or focus.
•Zaj can do so whenever they Take the Risk
…with careful logic and reasoning.
…to harness an place of power.
…to learn or reveal with magic.
•Whenever Rad Takes the Risk
…to lie or deceive.
…dodge or evade harm.
…with charm,grace or panache.
…with a clever plan.
•Where as when Joza Takes the Risk
…ignoring her previous wounds
…to save another
…to get her hands on someone.
Our players also get unique basic moves in the following.

Joza as our Warrior Heavy gets Wade Into Battle. RaD as our Scoundrel Fox gets Manipulate. Zaj as our Mystic Seeker gets Get Answers.
Power, Mettle, and Cunning
Though these points have different names for each character type, they all function the same. When you spend a point, you just do the thing, so long as it is reasonable. If it’s asking a question, the GM will answer honestly. The exception is for magic, which requires a roll.

Our inventory I will simply say we have our kits and when we need specific things for the narrative mark that down appropriately. Our big strokes have been made I think we can start to wrap this up.
Let the Seasons Commence
So to kick things off we will roll our dice for the Spring. If you need a refresher here is the move below.
We roll with a +1 since Fortune in Aethercliffe start out as such. This is the first Major roll of our game! Let's see how it shakes out.
That is a five, a miss, so it looks like we will have a number of different issues, and complications to throw at Aethercliffe. The rules ask us to pick whoever is most hopeful and I am going to say Ral is the most hopeful, his return home has been oddly peaceful thus far, his wide travels have made him a bit of a local star.
Now before we dive into the first session proper we have some questions to mull over. The answers of which we can find out through play. Stonetope Prep encourages you to create a tally of questions you update session over session. One thing I rather like about this is that it offers the opportunity to bring in Mythic to answer some of these things, or come up with further detail for leading questions which is highly encouraged.
Here is what I am wondering so far...
-what or who can make Joza break her code?
-What curiosity has Zaj's interest.
-What chore or who is Rad avoiding?
-Will Elda or maybe the Pnyx proper send someone after Zaj?
-How does Zaj feel about being named Speaker?
-Why does Zaj trust Nia?
-How does Master Ziana Feel about Zaj?
-How long ago did Joza put down Ihoram? Who might seek Retribution?
-Why would a Djinn trade a magical Artifact for a cookbook?
-Do the Cnoyn Folk and People of Aethercliffe have strained relations?
-Is Joza's father still among the Cnoyn Folk?
-What do the night terrors whisper to Joza?
-Is Joza's bloodlust heightened, due to her being Sandscarred?
-Who did Zaj unknowingly Record to the Soul Library? [Or was it purposeful]
-Was the Library the possession of Elda or the Pynx?
-Kord is a relative...
-What is it that Jown needs help with after saving Rad's skin? Why was this Rad's fault.
-Why is Rad pestering Noren on Joza behalf?
Of course not every question will be answered in the next session but these are things for us to keep in mind during play.
Next time
We will briefly touch on some session prep and possibly some threats that will show up before jumping into play. Hope to see you then! Also a huge thank you to
for his continued inspiration and phenomenal story telling.
this is all greek to me but I love it