This is a great start. I think starting and ending with the fiction really helps get the reader into the world.

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I have to give the nod to the game system here. It gives you as a GM so much fodder in regards to how to Worldbuild on the fly, by framing your thoughts and expectations as questions. This is something I am familiar with as the Mythic GME is predicted on the same principles. However, the way PBTA games such as Stonetop frames questions recontextualizes the Fate questions in a way that I think is friendlier to the solo player.

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Thank you so much for the shoutout!

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Actually no. lol I’m just letting the story flow out of me. Maybe it’s the Hostile world setting? I find it very inspiring. I love the Expanse though! Thank you for reading my stuff. 😊

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Of course I enjoy your captain logs. Your current game makes me think of space operas like the expanse. Was that the goal ?

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I like the fiction first idea. This is set up nicely for the next episode. Great storytelling.

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Thank you ☺️ it was something I thought might make some folks bounce off it. As I tend to start with my rolls and game notes. PBTA has been a fantastic link for me between Narrative and Gameplay.

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